Added Cleaning up backup files, limited now to 50 files, older ones are deleted
Changed AppUI scale: Now App (Docker) height adapts dynamically
Added support for different languages: Main language ist german Docker UI is now available in english Further windows and translation for englisch will follow Further languages will follow
Added support for different units: Inch / Feet / mm / cm / m
Added splash screen for application start
Solved bug with text field with many characters: These text shape is converted to curve and Corel grouped it Grouped shapes are not allowed during Gcode creation
Added option to activate or deactivate spindle for different profiles
Added option to reset/delete current CorelDraw page and machining mode
Added option to add text with different text height units (pt/mm/Inch)
Added support for windows app scale factor (display settings) Now it is possible to run app e.g in 125% scale factor
Added function to import files (.cdr, .pdf, .bmp, .dxf, .jpf, .gif, .png, .plt) to "Gravurlayer" Before import, App shows a preview of the current file
Added support to align shapes in reference to center or border
Added support to change position or size of the align object (e.g. align shape in user defined area)
Added a object manager in app ui: Show all shapes, contours, layers of current CorelDraw page/document
Added support to move selected shapes on a help layer, which will ignore in generate the gcode All shapes on this layer will ignore through the generation of the gcode program
Added CAM settings: G-Code-File will generate with this user defined settings/lines Programm_Start: At the beginnging of the G-Code-program Programm_End: At the end of the G-Code-programm Contour_Start: Before a single contour will engrave
Solved bug with import path from ini file: app crashes if directory not exists
Added new node algorithm Static: Add/Remove nodes in center of segment Dynmaic: Add/Remove nodes dependent on curvature and segment length Therefore: Settings parameter segment_length and curvature added to DockerUI
Solved bug with missing cutting planes
Solved bug with application crash, if window "Viewport big" is open and user changed engraving mode