Removed maximum number of lines for trial version: Trial version is now no longer limited to 500 lines of G-Code
Added tool list informations in G-Code: Tool number, diameter, spindle speed, tool name
Changed location in G-Code where spindle turn on: Now spindle will turn on on start of operation (spindle output in post processor setting will activate/deactivate spindle output) Important: Please remove "M03 S<s>" in your post processor settings at the end of tool change text or use the new post processors
Added post processor setting: Command name to turn spindle on (M3/M4)
Changed location in CorelDraw main menu to activate the plugin/docker: Now plugin can activated in "Extra" tab of CorelDraw main menu --> "Extra / gCode Generator" Before that it was under "Window / Dockers / gCode Generator" Please reset your workspace with press and holding "F8" while CorelDraw starts!
Fixed bug in pocket milling cycle: Plunge in the material for the next cutting plane on wrong shape (last shape instead of first shape)
Fixed bug with generated G-Code: Remove space at the end of the line
Added and optimized node/curve precision algorithm: Now user can set up a curve precision in length unit (e.g. Millimeter or Inches) This curve precision is used for linear interpolation on curves Curve precesion is the smallest segment length / distance (for which CNC machine will drive linear with G1) This curve precision is independent of the total length of the curve --> (This means fewer support points on short curves)
Added new default curve precision value to postprocessors settings
Increased tooltip time for machining operations: Showing machining parameter, e.g. cutting speed etc.
Added feature for climbing and conventional milling
Added feature: Select your curve sorting algorithm for contour milling and engraving Now user can select whether the software should sort all curves of operation automatically Or machining sequence of the sequence on the CorelDraw layer
Changed name of pocket and island milling --> Pocket milling
Changed name of pocket and island engraving --> Pocket engraving
Added translations of all error messages and info messages in software
Added translations of all window titles in software
Added and optimized new software user interface (GUI design): Complete new design of software available User can change theme colors User can change theme mode: Light and dark mode Default theme color --> "Steel" Default theme mode --> "Light" Optimized window handling: Automatic window size to screen resolution, most windows can now minimized or maximized
Added new MessageBox for error and info messages
Changed button to open the settings window --> Button is now the company logo on the top of the plugin/docker
Added support for Windows 11
Removed functions in software (not really in use): Request support button on setting window Additional text features Additional nodes features (add and remove nodes) Additional alignment features Additional import function
Added function to automatic copy all application settings from gCode Generator 2 to gCode Generator 3 (only once on first start)
Fixed bug with no output numeric line numbering (User defined textes)
Changed locations of rendering settings: Settings for rendering engine are now in profile / postprocessor settings
Fixed bug with no rendering if no z axis output
Added axis designations to 3D viewport
Fixed bug with rendering: Other G commands than rapid and linear movements
Optimized rendering engine
Fixed bug with showing logo in different colors
Changed setting for round workpiece shape: Now available under measure range (measurement grid)
Fixed bug with AutoNum algorithm and closed shapes/curves (numbered order for machining through text fields): The machining sequence was not adhered to because text fields were within closed curves
Problem solved: When creating or editing a tool operation, a toolpath is not created or the current one is not changed and the selected drawing object is deleted. The message was "Reference object no longer available"
Fixed incorrect machining depths in the contour and pocket milling cycle (wrong depth with multiple pockets / contours)
Changed all error messages (windows) in application to full error description of the exception
Problem solved where corel crashes while a document is being saved (now data transfer is deactivated while document is being saved)
Higher Z coordinate added for the first plunge process. For a better overview from where the machining operation starts
Changed: Now application hides the layer "ToolPaths" when a new tool operation is created or edited --> Only the current tool path is displayed --> Better overview
Added/Changed: Now application shows operation information like cutting depth or feed rate when the mouse is over it --> Extra area / box with op information removed
Problem solved: Corel crash if user want add a tool operation (all toolpath window) and click on "Cancel" instead of "OK"
Changed reference point for pocketing cycle to center of shape/curve (find next and nearest pocket/shape)
Changed start pocket/shape for pocketing cycle to closest shape to left and top corner of CorelDraw page
Problem solved with Corel crash if user import cdr drawing instead of open cdr drawing (only drawing which is created with gCode Generator)
Pocket cycle / inlay cycle / engraved pocket cycle optimized: Fewer plunge processes, problem solved with repeated immersion for individual contours of the pocket
Default value of the contour accuracy (tolerance) for new operations set to 6
Rendering: Problem solved with driving directly from zero
Sorting algorithm expanded / adapted for contours: Machining from inside to outside Now sort the curves from the inside to outside (e.g. rectangle with hole)
Application layer, e.g. "ToolPaths" are now set to not editable. This means that when a document is opened again, the user's drawing layer is always active Fixed problem with drawing on application layer after open a document.
Application message added if user is using a Coreldraw version lower than 17.6: The creation of parallel toolpaths from open curves/contours is only supported by CorelDraw 17.6 or higher
Problem solved: With incorrect 3d visualization (rendering) for very large drawings / page sizes
Maximum number of G-Codes output lines in trial version changed to 500
Changed surface measurement (create measure grid): Now the measuring grid is defined over the number of point in X- and Y-direction Measuring points size will draw depending on workpiece size (size of Corel sheet)
Added machine setup file: The machine setup file is created parallel to the job file of G-Code while G-Code generation This file can use for setting up the machine, e.g. measure the workpiece surface or set zero points This machine setup file have to run before job running All placeholder / postprocessor parameters are available in this file, e.g. number of measuring points <nx>
Changed the trial version restriction to a maximum G-Code line number of 300
Fixed bug with rendering G-Code (e.g. Gosub line command)
Added scale function to zero point of drawing (the size of zero point now set automatic)
Added automatic generate G-Code function for contour milling and engraving
Change node algorithm to curve precision: Now the node factor is call curve precision Curve precision is the precision for the linear interpolation for curves Each curve or arc (except straight lines) is approached by small segments Original shape/curve of drawings will not be changed
Added some new postprocessor settings: Standard values
Added postprocessor setting: Mark/sign for comment in G-Code can be adapted to brackets "()" oder semicolon ";"
Added funtion for automtic generate G-Code for contour cutting (laser/water): This strategy is for generating G-Code of whole CorelDraw page Sequence of toolpaths can be numeric (with numeric textfields e.g. 1,2,3 or 1.1, 1.2, 1.3) Sequence of toolpaths can also be optimized automatically A specific feed rate can be assigned to each layer
Added postprocessor function for repeat/not repeat coordinates
Added postprocessor function for output/not output each axis
Fixed bug while G-Code generation: "Could not generate G-Code!"
Fixed bug if docker closed and reactivate: application crash
Added function for search and find curve duplicates
Added function/button to show the generated gcode (open with notepad.exe)
Solved bug with drilling operation: start text for operation is now displayed in gcode file
Added more machining strategies (engraving, milling, cutting laser/water)
Changed engraving depth regulator strategy: Now with its own strategy
Optimized pocketing strategy: Less plunge cycles
Changed and optimized progress window while generating GCode
GCode generation is now on own thread
Changed and added some postprocessor settings: Repeat, Factor, Sequence of GCode line supported, increment and start for line number
Added more supported postprocessors which are included in installation (EdingCNC, Mach3/4, cncGraf, WinPC-NC, PlanetCNC, Benezan Beamicon, BZT, Estlcam)
Changed maximum workpiece size for different editions: See "Compare editions"
Changed docker size width: Now the docker/plugin automatic adapts to the coreldraw docker size width
Added icons for different machining operations/strategies
Changed and fixed rendering of GCode: Now zero point is shown
Changed/Added display of machining data and parameters: Select operation and all data will list up directly under
Changed App structure (Now only the CAM envirenment is available, CNC environment to control cnc machine is out)
Added many new features: Save and open gCode Generator project files (App save all settings, inputs and toolpaths to current document. After open or change a document, all settings are instantly available) Work on different documents at the same time (Document tabs) Toollist (All tools are stored here. This tools are used for machining operations) Create contour tool path (middle, left, right, inside, outside a curve shape) --> Contour machining Create pocketing tool path (App create curve shape to mill a pocket) --> Pocket machining Create drilling tool path with different drilling cycles () --> Drilling machining Automatic increase in the number of nodes
App/Plugin is now completely available in English and German (more languages will follow)
Support for more CorelDraw versions (e.g. CorelDraw Home&Student)
Changed/fixed installer for support other CorelDraw versions
Changed and optimized workpiece data input mask
Added support for rotation machining if z zero point is on cylinder axis (switchable between cylinder axis/surface)
Added support for rotation machining above/below cylinder axis
Added settings for different postprocessors and profiles: Now each postprocessor can be stored in a profile in the app The correct profile/postprocessor is selected before each processing 12 standard post processors are also installed Each processors can be customized Processors can be saved / exported
Added Cleaning up backup files, limited now to 50 files, older ones are deleted
Changed AppUI scale: Now App (Docker) height adapts dynamically
Added support for different languages: Main language ist german Docker UI is now available in english Further windows and translation for englisch will follow Further languages will follow
Added support for different units: Inch / Feet / mm / cm / m
Added splash screen for application start
Solved bug with text field with many characters: These text shape is converted to curve and Corel grouped it Grouped shapes are not allowed during Gcode creation
Added option to activate or deactivate spindle for different profiles
Added option to reset/delete current CorelDraw page and machining mode
Added option to add text with different text height units (pt/mm/Inch)