Dec 16, 2024

CamDRAW 4.1.2

  • Post processor / presetting file: Turn spindle off output now supports more than 1 line
    For customisations of spindle off commands at the end of operation: E.g. ATC with moving axes to defined position
    Required version number of post processors changed to 1.4
  • Added verification whether the version number of the postprocessor is suitable for the current software version
  • Fixed bug with re-selection of profile not read again post processor settings
  • Fixed bug with rendering G-Code if G-Code output without spaces
  • Added the most commonly used file extensions (.tap, .cnc, .nc, .gcode, ...) for saving/exporting G-Code files (Save File Dialog)
    Of course, the file extensions can still be set in the presettings / postprocessors
  • Added function to create gcode in separate files
    Each toolpath / operation is written to a separate file
    Useful if the CNC machine only supports one tool per file, for example
  • Added new button icon pack: All button icons have been changed and optimized
  • Added new functions for reordering and changing the order of tool operations:
    Deleting operations reorders all other operation numbers
    Selected tool operation can now be moved one up or one down in the order of all tool operations
  • Fixed bug with wrong translations
  • Added new translations
  • Added new tooltips with explanations
  • Added additional button to open software settings
  • Added window query at the first start of the application for selecting the user's CNC hardware
  • Optimized software activation window:
    Activation key input
    Activation informations
  • Optimized 3D rendering and colors
  • Added support for more CNC machines and hardware, new presetting files (postprocessors)
    Standard G-Code presets are now called "G-Code (Standard)" --> Generate G-Code in separate files for each tool used
    Standard G-Code presets with autmatic tool changer now called "G-Code (Standard) - ATC" --> Generate G-code in one file (all tools used are represented in this file)
    LinuxCNC presets
    Mekanika CNC Routers presets
    Felder Hammer HNC presets
    Carbide 3D Nomad 883 ATC presets
    Carbide 3D Nomad 883 presets
    Carbide 3D Shapeoko presets
    Sainsmart 3018 MX3 presets
    Sainsmart 3018 PRO presets
    Sainsmart 3018 PROver presets
    Sainsmart 4030 PROver with Probe presets
    Sainsmart 4030 PROver presets
    Sainsmart 4040 PRO with Probe presets
    Sainsmart 4040 PRO presets
    X-Carve presets