Sep 13, 2021

CamDRAW 2.6.12

  • Fixed bug with AutoNum algorithm and closed shapes/curves (numbered order for machining through text fields): 
    The machining sequence was not adhered to because text fields were within closed curves
  • ​Problem solved: When creating or editing a tool operation, a toolpath is not created or the current one is not changed and the selected drawing object is deleted. 
    The message was "Reference object no longer available"
  • Fixed incorrect machining depths in the contour and pocket milling cycle (wrong depth with multiple pockets / contours)
  • Changed all error messages (windows) in application to full error description of the exception
  • Problem solved where corel crashes while a document is being saved (now data transfer is deactivated while document is being saved)
  • Higher Z coordinate added for the first plunge process. For a better overview from where the machining operation starts
  • Changed: Now application hides the layer "ToolPaths" when a new tool operation is created or edited --> Only the current tool path is displayed --> Better overview
  • Added/Changed: Now application shows operation information like cutting depth or feed rate when the mouse is over it --> Extra area / box with op information removed
  • Problem solved: Corel crash if user want add a tool operation (all toolpath window) and click on "Cancel" instead of "OK"
  • Changed reference point for pocketing cycle to center of shape/curve (find next and nearest pocket/shape)
  • Changed start pocket/shape for pocketing cycle to closest shape to left and top corner of CorelDraw page
  • Problem solved with Corel crash if user import cdr drawing instead of open cdr drawing (only drawing which is created with gCode Generator)
  • ​Pocket cycle / inlay cycle / engraved pocket cycle optimized:
    Fewer plunge processes, problem solved with repeated immersion for individual contours of the pocket
  • Default value of the contour accuracy (tolerance) for new operations set to 6
  • Rendering: Problem solved with driving directly from zero
  • Sorting algorithm expanded / adapted for contours: Machining from inside to outside
    Now sort the curves from the inside to outside (e.g. rectangle with hole)
  • Application layer, e.g. "ToolPaths" are now set to not editable. This means that when a document is opened again, the user's drawing layer is always active
    Fixed problem with drawing on application layer after open a document.
  • Application message added if user is using a Coreldraw version lower than 17.6: The creation of parallel toolpaths from open curves/contours is only supported by CorelDraw 17.6 or higher
  • Problem solved: With incorrect 3d visualization (rendering) for very large drawings / page sizes
  • Maximum number of G-Codes output lines in trial version changed to 500
  • Changed logo and icon style