May 12, 2021

CamDRAW 2.0.0

  • Changed App structure (Now only the CAM envirenment is available, CNC environment to control cnc machine is out)
  • Added many new features:
    Save and open gCode Generator project files (App save all settings, inputs and toolpaths to current document. After open or change a document, all settings are instantly available)
    Work on different documents at the same time (Document tabs)
    Toollist (All tools are stored here. This tools are used for machining operations)
    Create contour tool path (middle, left, right, inside, outside a curve shape) --> Contour machining
    Create pocketing tool path (App create curve shape to mill a pocket) --> Pocket machining
    Create drilling tool path with different drilling cycles () --> Drilling machining
    Automatic increase in the number of nodes
  • Changed the path optimization
  • Changed input mask for workpiece data