CamDRAW 1.3.0
- Added support for windows app scale factor (display settings)
Now it is possible to run app e.g in 125% scale factor - Added function to import files (.cdr, .pdf, .bmp, .dxf, .jpf, .gif, .png, .plt) to "Gravurlayer"
Before import, App shows a preview of the current file - Added support to align shapes in reference to center or border
- Added support to change position or size of the align object (e.g. align shape in user defined area)
- Added a object manager in app ui:
Show all shapes, contours, layers of current CorelDraw page/document - Added support to move selected shapes on a help layer, which will ignore in generate the gcode
All shapes on this layer will ignore through the generation of the gcode program - Added CAM settings: G-Code-File will generate with this user defined settings/lines
Programm_Start: At the beginnging of the G-Code-program
Programm_End: At the end of the G-Code-programm
Contour_Start: Before a single contour will engrave - Solved bug with import path from ini file: app crashes if directory not exists